Saturday, December 8, 2007

Be A Green Barbecuer

From Casual Living, the Barbecue industry has felt the heat from governments over pollution:
Concerns about improving the environment and controlling air pollution are not new for the barbecue industry. More than 25 years ago, the government air quality watchdogs in California came after backyard barbecuing as a major contributor to the states smog and air pollution problems.


The barbecue pollution in question boiled down to the use of lighter fluid and the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that were being released in one minute of waiting time from when the lighter fluid was squirted on the charcoal briquettes until they were lit.

Now lighter fluid has been reformulated. No longer do you need to wait for absorption into the briquettes.

There are some new gree gadgets in stores:

A chimney, like this Grill Pro Chimney Style Charcoal Starter, shaves about 15 minutes off the time it takes to have charcoal ready for grilling without the use of a fluid chemical lighter.

The fuel-efficient Big Green Egg is fueled with natural lump charcoal which produces minimal ash. Unused charcoal can be saved for the next cookout by closing the top and bottom vents. And the ceramic EGG is a lifetime purchase, reducing the number of grills going into the waste stream.

Natural lump charcoal? Natural lump charcoal is made by burning wood in the near-absence of air to create lump charcoal. It is a natural product with no additives. It lights easily, burns hotter than briquettes for a great sear and produces less ash that requires disposal.

Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design Gallery


[Source: Landfair Furniture (Blog)]