Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bridget A. Otto Thursday

This is like Howdy Dowdy Time.

What time is it boys and girls? IT'S BRIDGET OTTO THURSDAY, UNCLE BOB!

And today is the best day in a long time because Bridget Otto called Bev Landfair, You know her boys and girls. She's the owner of Landfair Furniture + Design Gallery.

Why would Bridget call Bev Landfair, and Amanda Klash, owner of Montgomery Klash Interior Design, and Todd Dewey Jantz, owner of JD Madison? She wants to learn from three in-the-know Portlanders what they see headed our way for 2008 in terms of color.

Bev Landfair of Landfair Furniture + Design Gallery sees the organic elements in accessories as well as upholstery. She also swoons over the staying power of antiqued brass and the patinas of bronze and copper.

"Shiny brass is past," she says with a laugh.

Jantz couldn't agree more, but it's platinum he swoons over. Not the icy, cold gray from the '80s, he says, but the pewterlike platinum finish.

Landfair sees accents of marine blues and yellows on the horizon, as well as Art Deco designs, such as chairs embellished with nailheads.

All three design professionals echoed one another on the importance of details.

Whereas Landfair might add a "cool, wacky table with a copper top" and Klash might pull out a pewter-colored, cut-velvet fabric, they all agree the delight in a room comes from the details.

Landfair simply says: "It's style."

Thanks Bridget! BTW, check out our website for a new seminar scheduled for Saturday March 15th from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

"Designer Secrets" Kimberlee Jaynes shares "Insider tips on transforming difficult design challenges into stylish solutions!"

Bev & Mike


[Source: Landfair Furniture (Blog)]