Monday, January 12, 2009

Last Call for Blogging TeleClass

If you haven't registered yet for the "Blogging for Interior Designers," you don't have much time left to decide. This 3-week live TeleClass, developed and taught by Cathy Perkins, The WordPress Wizard, is rapidly approaching capacity enrollment. So the time has come for you to make one of the most important business decisions you will make in 2009.

Cathy Perkins writes,
In emails, I have explained how this class will enable you to brand yourself, create relationships with your readers, find your competitive edge and identify blog-specific income streams.

In this last message, I want to let you know about a very special bonus some registrants will receive. Upon registration, you will have an opportunity to quality for a complimentary 30-minute consultation with Cathy Perkins, The WordPress Wizard, or Gail Doby, founder of Design Success University.

If you are selected to receive one of these free consultations, you can use your access to these experts to discuss creating your blogging strategy or to evaluate your marketing plans. Their brains will be yours to pick for 30 minutes.
Please go to Blogging For Designers to register now, and then
mark your calendars for:

. Tuesday, January 13, 5pm to 8pm Eastern

. Tuesday, January 20, 5pm to 8pm Eastern

. Tuesday, January 27, 5pm to 8pm Eastern

I am really excited about this TeleClass, and the opportunity to learn the techniques for creating and promoting a strong brand identity for ourselves and our services, cultivating strong, loyalty-based relationships with our clients, and developing unique, creative ways to reach out to them.

Please don't miss this opportunity to register at Blogging For Designers to get more details and learn about the special bonuses you'll get by registering and learn how to use blogging as a powerful tool to grow your business.


[Source: Landfair Furniture (Blog)]